Quickbooks – Session 2

12/4/2020 - Session 1 Topics: Make Deposits Receive Payments Set up Chart of Accounts QBO Dashboard Overview Enter Invoices & Sales Receipts 12/11/2020 - Session 2 Topics: Pay Bills EnterRead more

Social Media 101

Making an impact is easier than you think This one-hour webinar is designed to teach you basic tips, tricks and best practices in the world of social media. Whether youRead more

The Power of Your Brand

Your brand is your identity It’s who you are and what sets you apart from other businesses. In this webinar, we will be discussing what makes a brand powerful andRead more

5 Ways to Increase your SEO

There are over 70,000 Google searches every second. Is your business at the top of the results? Where is your website traffic coming from? How are people finding you online?Read more

Creating Impactful Calls to Action

Call to actions are designed to prompt a response or encourage a sale. In this webinar we will teach you how to create a powerful call to action that putsRead more

The Value of Customer Experience

In this one hour webinar, we will be going in-depth on why customer relationships, value and support is so important to retaining your clients for life. What is a valueRead more

The Shift Toward Good

The Importance of Being a Mission-Driven Company At the heart of every company is their mission – what you stand for and the reason for your existence. In this courseRead more

Central Plains Native Small Business Workshop

Aspiring Entrepreneur or Small Business Owner? Attend a FREE 2-Day Native American Entrepreneurial Empowerment Workshop September 20 - 21 | 9 am - 4 pm Central Plains Native Small BusinessRead more

Setting Your Prices for Profit

Finish 2021 Strong Understanding gross profit margin will help you set your prices with confidence. Register Now

Choosing a Social Media Platform

Finish 2021 Strong Learn about various options to find the best fit for your business goals and target audience. Register Now

Business Accounting for Beginners

Finish 2021 Strong Familiarize yourself with accounting basics so that you can become a more informed business owner. Register Now

Maximize Your Online Presence

Finish 2021 Strong Can your clients find you online? Tips and tools to reach out to your remote customers. Register Now